You’re Burned Out and have Little Time: 30 Ways to Recharge

I get it there is only so much time to recalibrate and sometimes you want to push it off but by taking the time to recharge in a few moments each day your battery will not completely drain.

I broke this into 5 categories for you so you can easily pick one or more depending on where you are at on a give day: Release, Relating / Connecting, Restructure, Reframe, and Grounding!

Release: When we have the energy build up, feel dysregulated, anxious, or a heaviness…

  • Go for a walk

  • Color or paint freehand, doodles or in a coloring book. I also love using a kids one to tap into my inner child.

  • Do 10 pushups (wall or floor) or air squats.

  • Lift something heavy

  • Crank up the music and DANCE!! Heck add in some singing too.

  • Cry it out. Sometimes I need to put on a sad movie or song to get it going. Release the emotion and then let it all go.

  • Journal. Write stream of consciousness. There is no right or wrong just get it out.

  • Scream it out. Yup why not!?! In a pillow. Into the woods. Go for it!

  • Squeeze a stress ball, crystal, or rock. Sometimes even salt dough or play doh or bread dough. Do this a few times.

Relating / Connecting: Being mindful of when, how and whom we connect with can lift us up. Take an inventory of who does this for you. Be clear in what you need from them such as advice or to listen or as a distraction.

  • Text, Call or Voice memo a friend

  • Reach out and make plans with someone who lifts you up and/or inspires you. Give them a few specific dates so you don’t get stuck in a back and forth of talking about making plans. MAKE THEM!

  • Hug someone you love for at least 60 seconds. Hugging your dog definitely counts too!!

  • Put on a Podcast that inspires you or gives you new ideas.

  • Find / create laughter. This can be reading a joke book, recalling a memory or watching a video of a fun time, or listening to a comedy show. I have a video of me laughing. One of those really happy, joyful, cannot stop laughing that your tummy hurts. I can recall that memory clearly and when I watch that video it reminds me that I am that joyful person. Find your video of you like this.

Restructure: One of my favorites to work on myself and to have clients focus on. I give you permission to make changes right now and to take a break!!

  • Reflect on how you are prioritizing yourself vs all the other things and “priorities” in your life. Are some of those really a priority to you??

  • What does your day look like? When does it start? How does it start? Is there moments of stillness and quiet during the day? and is there time for you?

  • Check out that to-do list. Now take one non-essential item off your list. This frees up some breathing room!!

  • “Ta-da!!” One of my favorite things to do is look at the things I got done during a day. Often times, it is so much more or more productive then I thought. It is not about the length of the list but the value of those items on that list. Also, valuable is relaxing and “not doing anything”!

  • Let go of something! This may be a rule or expectation. It may be letting go of it for good or for just today to make things easier. For example: Some days I worry about having a “good” dinner made. I let go of that and sometimes we have eggs and breakfast for dinner. Well for one I LOVE breakfast. Two I always have the makings of breakfast in the house. And three it is so quick and easy with little clean up!

Reframe: We tell ourselves stories about who we are daily. Those stories can come from past experiences, other people’s voices or when we are feeling HALF. By reframing we can view ourselves in a different perspective and light. It does take practice to do and sometimes we need support in doing it. Start small and you will see big changes.

  • SHIFT your focus on ALL the good that you have done and are doing! Instead of focusing on what is not going right, mistakes you’ve made or if you are falling short of a goal, SHIFT to what you are learning and how you are growing.

  • Focus on a win. What was something the felt like a win today?? These can be “small” or “big”. They all count.

  • Have you said “I’m so stressed out” or “I’m so anxious about…”? Let’s change that phrase to “my body is giving me sensations to prepare myself for what is next or to make some changes”.

Grounding: Here are some of my favorites but feel free to add what grounds you.

  • A slow nature walk. This doesn’t have to be long. It can be along the beach or in the woods. I also view my neighborhood walks as a nature walk because I pay attention to the trees, plants and flowers around me along with birds and whatever other wildlife I see.

  • Take a bath or a long shower. Also, don’t discount a morning bath with a cup of coffee. It is so luxurious yet simple.

  • Box Breathing (inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4, repeat a few times). I also like practicing extending this count once I’m comfortable with 4. This increasing self-regulation and your willpower.

  • Journal. I know I mentioned it before but journaling is a great tool you can use anywhere. Try some journal prompts. Here’s a few: “How was I kind to myself today? How can I be kind to myself?” “I am safe because…” “I have what I need and that is..” “What sensations am I feeling? Why are they valid?”

  • Affirmations, quotes or words of wisdom. Find ones that are meaningful to you and read them to recenter you. Saying them outloud and to yourself in the mirror can help too.

  • Start creating a folder on your phone for photos, screenshots of messages, and notes of glimmers. Look at these when feeling unanchored, stressed, anxious, insecure, etc.

  • Self massage or tapping can be a great tool for reconnecting with yourself and grounding you.

  • Place your hands over your heart. You can even rub them together to warm your hands up and then place over your heart. Close your eyes. What do you hear? What sensations to do you feel in your body? The environment around you? What do you smell? Dial into those sounds.

Let’s Work Together

Abbey is your therapist and coach for all season of life. She helps you lay a foundation so you can evolve and move into a season of life that you desire. Book your free 15 minute consult here.

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